It's quite common for blog writers to run out of ideas every once in a while. When that happens, instead of staring at your computer screen for hours, why not try writing an article using one of these seven proven article templates?
These are templates used by bloggers from many different markets. When written well, readers loved them.
=> Template #1 - An In-Depth Analysis of X Technique or Theory
Take a popular theory or technique and dissect it. Take apart its strengths and weakness, point out things others hadn't noticed before and give extra tips for people who want to use the technique.
Example: The strengths and weaknesses of article marketing as a traffic-generation method, plus little-known tips on how to get the most out of article marketing.
=> Template #2 - Make a Prediction about the Future
Make a strong case for what you believe is going to happen in the future, with an emphasis on how it'll affect the reader.
Example: Current gold prices are a bubble created by the depressed American dollar. As the US economy stabilizes, gold prices are sure to drop and very quickly break. Here's why and how to profit from it.
=> Template #3 - How to Do X
A how-to article on something your audience really wants to know how to do.
Example: How to increase your quality score in Google AdWords.
=> Template #4 - Common Questions and Answers
Give the most common questions and answers you get asked. This article can be repeated again and again with different questions and themes of questions.
Example: Q: How much do I need to start investing? (Answer) Q: Am I more likely to succeed trading actively, passively or through having someone else invest for me? (Answer) Q: What are some of the hidden fees one might expect while investing? (Answer) And so on.
=> Template #5 - Why X Popular Sentiment Is Wrong
Take a popular sentiment in your industry and take the opposite stance. Of course, you have to actually believe the opposite stance.
Example: Most people believe it's very hard to raise venture capital for a great business idea. In fact, the opposite is true: Most venture capitalists have a hard time finding good businesses to invest in. Getting VC investment isn't difficult because it's hard, but because most people don't know how to raise VC money intelligently. Here's how.
=> Template #6 - X Signs of Y
Share any number of signs that Y is true.
Example: Six Signs That Your Newsletter Needs an Overhaul
Example: Five Signs That Your Broker Is Stealing from You
Example: Ten Signs That You're Spending Too Much Money on Flights
=> Template #7 - Share a Personal Story with a Lesson
Tell your readers a personal story that ends in an educational lesson.
Example: How I traveled to 12 different countries in one year and what I learned about saving money on airline tickets.
These are seven blog article templates you can use anytime you hit against writer's block. Some of these templates may even be reused time and again, so long as you change the title and the theme. Happy blogging!