How to Start a Kids’ Party Organizing Business <br>

How to Start a Kids’ Party Organizing Business

Do you love kids and parties? Are you super at organizing and do you have a great eye for detail? Are you enthusiastic and outgoing? If so, then a kids' party organizing business may be just right for you. Party organizing is a growing trend. Birthday parties seem to be getting more and more elaborate and this trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down! A kids' party organizer will help plan and create fun and unique parties that may range from a cowboy-themed barnyard party to an elaborate party in a castle with all the works. How Do I Get Started? Firstly, you’ll want to ensure that your personality is suited to this business. You’ll need to be creative as well organized. Having an outgoing personality will also help a great deal. The next step, and a crucial one at that, is to decide who your target market will be. Parents willing to hire a party organizing service will likely have disposable income and be quite happy to spend it on their children. You’ll also want to be clear on what type of services you’ll provide. Some party organizing services will handle everything from finding the right theme, to setting up and organizing the party, to decorating and even catering. Offering an all-in-one service is ideal because this is probably what your customers will want – someone to plan the whole thing from start to finish without too many complications. Write a list of what services you’ll offer. As you do your research, you’ll notice the list may be endless - from providing an ice cream van to hot air balloons! Of course, you don’t have to start at this level and many of these services can be subcontracted out. However, it’s important to know exactly what you can and can’t offer customers at the start. What about the Legalities? You’ll want to start by registering your business. You can do this at your local county office and they will let you know of all the requirements you need to meet. Depending on what type of services you provide, this may vary. If in doubt, contact your local county office and they should be able to provide you with all the details. How Do I Find Customers? Advertising locally through banners and perhaps a small ad in the paper is a great starting point. A magnetic sign on your car with your company logo and information is another good option. But the main way of finding new clients in this business is through word of mouth. If parents attending the party see and like what you’ve done, they’ll ask for your details and before you know it, you’ll have a full client list. Word-of-mouth marketing is extremely important in this type of business so you’ll want to do your absolute best to provide a great service. If you love kids and parties and are highly organized and outgoing, this may be a fantastic business idea to pursue.


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